I Genetic Dermatoglyphics

I Genetic Dermatoglyphics

Dermatoglyphics multiple intelligence testing is the study of an individual’s innate skills, abilities, and personality through the analysis of their fingerprints. This testing system is derived from the fields of dermatoglyphics, genetics, neuroscience, psychology, pedagogy, and others, as well as years of scientific observation, notation, and analysis. It highlights an individual’s inborn traits and genetic differences and, through this, the development of their brain and their cognitive abilities. It has been adopted across Asia, Europe, and the Americas.

Brain Activation Sdn Bhd employs the use of I-Genetic’s Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Testing to identify several aspects of an individual’s personality, including their innate learning abilities, their primary strengths and weaknesses, and their hemispheric brain dominance. The analysis is carried out through an in-depth observation and calculation of their palm prints and fingerprints. Genetic and neuroscientific study has indicated a link between an individual’s inborn brain growth and the patterns manifested on their palms and fingers; hence, an analysis of these patterns will tell us with what personality and characteristics the individual was born. Capabilities are not stagnant­—adequate nurturing can turn the weak characteristics into the strong, and the strong stronger. Thus, dermatoglyphics testing is more effective the younger it is done.


What can I-Genetic Dermatoglyphics testing tell me?

Brain Activation’s dermatoglyphics report is divided into the following categories:

Total Ridge Count (TRC)

Left/Right Brain Bias

Behavioural Intention

Activity Quotient

Learning-Communication Character

Anti-Stress Quotient

Correlation Quotient

Correlation Quotient

What are the results of a Brain Quotient Report for?


The usefulness of dermatoglyphics analysis is infinite as long as its results are thoroughly understood and properly applied. With expert-led analysis and explanation, Brain Activation’s dermatoglyphics testing is the best of its kind.


For more information, please visit www.igenetic.com.my