Greetings parents and educators! We are reopening our vocational training trial sessions due to multiple requests. Do register using our Google form! (Penang branch only)
各位家长和教育工作者大家好! 应多方要求,我们正重新开放我们的职业培训试课。 请使用以下的谷歌表格注册!(只限槟城中心)
We are currently accepting new students for our Saturday vocational training sessions. To sign up for the FREE trial classes, click the link to the Google registration form that is provided.
How does vocational training improve the socialization skills of a special need individual?
1. Promotes socially acceptable behaviors that enable the individual to interact effectively with others and learn to avoid socially unacceptable responses from others.
2. Promoting the development of close relationships and improving the social and psychosocial functioning of a special need individual.
3. Increases in cooperative social behavior with peers and caregivers, social assertiveness, and self-control which would likely lead to more appropriate social behaviors and thus social acceptance.
4. Provide the ability to empathize by having them learn, attend to, and assess verbal and non-verbal social cues, through in-session role-play exercises that demonstrated new social skills and required participants to take another person’s perspective in a social situation.
5. Enhances a person’s ability to understand his or her own emotions and the emotions of others and to act appropriately based on this understanding.
These are the areas that are covered during the class.
-functional maths
-functional literacy
-art and craft
我们目前正在接受新学生报名参加星期六的职业培训课程。 如要注册免费试用课程,请点击所提供的 Google 表格链接。
1. 促进社会可接受的行为,使个人能够有效的与他人互动。
2. 促进亲密关系的发展,改善有特殊人群的心理社会功能。
3. 提升与同龄人和照顾者的合作行为、社交能力和自我控制,从而获得社会认可。
4. 让他们学习口头和非口头社交能力,通过会话中的角色扮演练习新的社交技能,学习同理他人的能力。
5. 学会观察自己和他人的情绪,并根据这种理解采取适当行动。